Game Community
Crimson Hell
20 Members

Comments (15)

What do you think?

Why are these games with really cool art so under-appreciated and then there's Mr.Pixel

x mario mix

This is actually BEAUTIFUL! I love this art and the story sounds like something that an actual Mario game would have (Heavy down played ofc) as for the gameplay there isn't anything to go off about atm for what I can see, I hope there is more gameplay showcases (no spoilers) as I don't want to it be a visual game before gameplay, it wouldn't be a good experience to have. Overall I can say that you are getting a follow from me and I hope you and your team are happy with what you put on the table :) Have a nice day/night.

where demo

I need to play this


Super Mario Bros Lethal Impact ENG

Version: 0.1.19 months ago

Super Mario Bros Lethal Impact BR

Version: 0.1.19 months ago

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

A new mario adventure! but something is not right....

People who works on this game :

@Zaptyd - Main spriter and an egghead

@LubaDev - Coder

@YastuMitsu - Secondary spriter

@Felix_Box - Beta Tester

@CanineLotus - Main Composer

@FTKDev Secondary spriter

Thx to @LaharArts cuz good friend and help me with some ideas for the game

#multiplayer #adventure #fangame #horror #action #platformer #analog


As promised, here are ALL the captain toad sprites(even the chapter 1 cutscene), remember to give credits to yastu and me if ya use it

I will not keep doing this type of games, if Lethal or Anima Messorem development continues someday, i will not be part of that dev team

I will fix some bugs and submit what i have

For now I can only say thank you very much for following the development of Lethal, this project was too big for a dumb random like me (maybe someone better than me could make it)

This is not a definitive cancellation, but I can't give an exact date of when will continue the development of Lethal Impact