+2, now all together around 19 ((counting the new set)). Ranging from building interiors, outsides of worlds, planned cutscenes, loading + menu screen, even music for the introduction of some main chars .
So far in the cast we've got Keenan ((chill stoner Grieval, explained later in article, that's always high. One of the main reasons for the rating currently, damnit Keenan)), Vulf ((still fleshing out her char but let's just say she's a wolf in sheep's clothing in numerous different ways)), Fluffinkins ((yes that's seriously his name, is it a placeholder? Maybe, maybe not. He runs a bakery that sells goods to the adventurers such as vanilla cookies in shapes of cats, snail shaped cinnamon rolls, biscuits in the shape of a paw ((get it because making biscuits you get it right teehee), and also a single grape in case you're broke as fuck, more to be added maybe)), Lazy ((another Grieval. He lives up to his name and he loves to just catch rays at the beach)), Boozy ((no im not changing his name, you can't make me. Lazy's older brother with a drinking problem that cares deeply about family)), Spring ((she loves everything summer, still being fleshed out)), Ayce ((computer virus guy, not literally though don't worry lol)), Brutuz ((nerdy mole that's into science, still being fleshed out)), and more in the works. Please keep in mind, for these characters while I acknowledge they have problems as beings and they are canonly trying to get better. I'd like to keep the depictions of addiction realistic including how hard it is too quit even when you want to .
Currently about 6 locations in concepts ((Cloudsdale, Brutuz's office, club, endless forest, Keenan's house, lab)). I'm mainly working on fleshing out the species Grievals, which in the simplest terms are living beings created by different kinds of loathing; think about when somethings bugging you ((funny cuz' they have antennae teehee)) but you shove it to the back of your brain, now imagine if it just festered there so long that it slipped out of the cracks and became a singular sentient being. That's Grievals. They mainly live their lives forced to always carry whatever burden their host had while they were previously just a thought or feeling. Despite the fact hosts are sort of like parent figures, Grievals don't care much for their hosts and are much more independent, Grievals become siblings when they both come from the same host though .

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