Next up
No stream tonight as I'm currently working on getting my second monitor up that we talked about on stream last night! I'll be back after work on Tues night! #transstreamer #horrorstreamer #twitchstreamer
We're back at it with #sonsoftheforest over here conquering the forest on the mission for top surgery funding! Twitch.tv/thedantelu
Hey guess whose hay fever kicked in, stressed on the phone breaking and finding a replacement but hey! I think I'm obsessed with this game #sonsoftheforest while raising funds for my #topsurgery! Come hang out on twitch :)
that time i played #talesbeyondthetombthefarmssecrets and had harmonica redeem time ... #transstreamer #twitch #horrorgames
We're live on twitch for Valentines Day Date with some romantically cutting of wood and fighting cannibals... also Kelvin is here too. #sonsoftheforest #horrorgames #transstreamer
I'm so glad Jimmy can't hear us in this game #atdeadofnight #horrorstreamer #twitchstreamer #transstreamer #horrorgames
6 eggs smashed on my head last night raising funds for #topsurgeryftm we made it to 10% of my 11,000 for me to get top surgery in Oct!
We're live on twitch with #sonsoftheforest and we wanna leave! Care to keep us company while we endure the blistering winds with cannibals and mutants?
#horrorstreamer #transstreamer
when chat decides to jumpscare you instead. #untildawn #horrorgames #transstreamer #horrorstreamer #twitchstreamer
when I got scared by a drawing and flashed back to mortuary assistant #horrorstreamer #twitchstreamer #transstreamer #layersoffear