Still happy 10th anniversary to Five Golden Nights at Freddy's
Since I had nothing to do, i've finished it again and obtained every endings without dying, the fangame is not even that hard, if you want to keep the mask for the whole night
I've never been interested in this saga, i always played the first one, and one time for the sequel, i didn't did much progress in it when I had it on mobile, but the sequel looks great with a good gameplay in it
Youtooz really does awesome jobs on making good action figures and plushies, they are really talented, and this plushie is so deserved to be released from them and from the developer of Tattletail, hope some people enjoy this cute and fluffy plushie
One of the most amazing game on the FNaC saga, i really love the third sequel and the gameplay that has in it, still have to do the others endings and minigames, just did the forgotten one, always enjoyable