3 years ago

Yugioh Excalibur meme

Not going to lie maverick looks like he has 456 different types of lung cancer

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this is an fps game that was given out FREE with chex in 96. It was based off of Doom. It got a remake a couple years ago. Its free to download and play. It is keeping the tradition of free chex games alive.

GOT CLICKTEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might leave scratch since I've been getting a bit better at clickteam. Oh yeah, wait for this game to come out

Best menu i've made so far. SO FAR!

I've finished it! Yugioh Season 0 Monster World Arc Bakura and Yami Bakura!! Ah they look so gud!! hope you like it!

I'm not gonna stop making these! I need to pay the sound guys in my basement.

Drew Kaiba from YU-GI-OH ( ・∇・)

Edit: tried backlight

aw fug new

I made this is around 3-4 mins

I’m like 5 days late but here’s a Birthday drawing of Yugi 🥳

Her mind gonna get fucking blown when she learns that plants are living