Don't Starve
Post about Don't Starve!

Gladiator Webber

relaxing after work


“This is... yes, this will propel my experiments to the next level!” - crazy guy (aka Wagstaff) #MadScientist

Green in don’t starve because why not?

"All things go mad sooner or later"

The Screecher

Makeup trial for a cosplay of Wendy from Don’t Starve. (Yes, im a Wendy main!) I’m going to a convention next week and I’m so exciteeeee.

I’m going to make Abigail (my dead sister) out of a balloon and cheese cloth. So hype!!

It's thumbnail art I made for my first playthrough of Don't Starve Together with friends. It was for the last episode, where we fought Misery Toadstool and The Twins. Still proud of this one.
You can watch the playthrough here:…

We have no idea what we're doing - Don't Starve Together part 1
Watch me and friends fail at Don't Starve Together. Most of us have no idea what we're doing so don't expect us to reach far.If you enjoyed the video then co...

Wendy from Don't Starve Together Fanart :D!

Second photo has the reference I used to make my sketch *checks time* MORE THAN A YEAR AGO?? No wonder I can't find my original reference haha

Article has more details :D

Sorry I've been missing, school got busy and I kinda forgot to post drawings I made. So, here's a drawing of Webber from Don't Starve Together that I shoved in my phone case. Yes, I specifically chose that skin because it matches the colors of the case.