Post about EarthBound!

Giegue from Mother/Earthbound Beginnings! Mewtwo reminds me a lot of him in some ways

Homestuck: Beyond Canon (pre-megapause) is finished!


Now everything that I have to do with Homestuck is patiently wait for the rest of Hiveswap and HS:BC.

I recently resumed my playthrough of EarthBound, which I started 2 years ago.

Giygas from Earthbound!
To this day one of my favorite games of all time, with one of the creepiest bosses

Annoying Neighbour

Bein' friends

The Chosen Four

If Toby Fox was one of the writers of The Homestuck Epilogues, this phrase would be very appropriate.

#homestuck #earthbound #earthboundhalloweenhack

He's com'in, start run'in


A lot of work with the story, the interactions and stuff! We want to make Oddventure feel more alive and interactive. Also some cursed-images-like enemies inc! More in the update. ^^…