Strategy games
Post about Strategy games!

The Hive - 1.301 is now released on Gamejolt


Some random gameplay from Noobs in Combat

Iperios Receiving his first batch of Players(January 2019)

You need to get up.

💖 the post to support refreshed!

1st Nova Morelia Underdark Division Headquarters in Underdark Dimension

Never weird alien we never take you into our lord artanis

My comic(btw i never read it )

totally not a tackshooter its ring shot :D

2.0.9 Patch notes

#GJasks what my favorite quote from a video game is and it has got to be something Tora says

“Desting calling for Tora. Rude not to say hello back.”

I swear this guy says the funniest shit ever. 🤣