The arts red on paper, as you can see with the second pic, but i like it more in black n white :)
I love these guys, in a "OH FUCK THEYRE GONNA STAB ME" kind of way

Whay can i say, litterely the most terrifying enemies ive ever encountered in a game
I didnt expect this game to bring in RE tyrants man, i aint prepared for that :(

Pls help me in the comments guys 😅
Also thank you @bokobolinZelda for showing me the editing software!

Been working on further sprucing up the combat, added some nice and juicy impact effects for hitting enemies in my super-hot inspired game. Project : Action, what do you think?

Added some particle effects to blocking in Project : Action, I think it makes it look a lot more impactful, but what do you think?

Finally Improved Attacking Animations! Plus I've added dodging!!! A pretty substantial update to Project : Action, if i do say so myself. Check it out and give me your thoughts on the enemy colour scheme alongside the new gameplay!
Project Action/Ultra-Hot! (Name pending)
Now the player can block enemy melee attacks both directionally (as seen in the first gif) and statically, for that extra bit of flair
What do you think?