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@ninesoulssea ... You rn: when you trying to sneak into pit...😭🙏 (Anyway.. I made this for you...) #MyArt #Itsnight #CLOSED #fnaf

#FlipFlopFriday : last letter of a word submitted must be the 1st letter of the next word.
9/1 begins the #closed #beta of ANYWARD. A daily word game with different rules for each day of the week. Join@ GiveEmGames.com

#TrickleThursday : tiles fall increasingly faster. Submit words before the grid fills.
9/1 begins the #closed #beta of ANYWARD. A daily word game with different rules for each day of the week. Join @GiveEmGames .com

#WhollyWednesday : Submit as many words at once per trun. 6 turns a game.
9/1 begins the #closed #beta of ANYWARD. A daily #word game with different rules for each day of the week. Join@ GiveEmGames.com (image is from early #alpha)

#TetherTuesday : TETHER a word that includes the required letter ("E" in BELTED in picture).
9/1 is the #closed #beta of ANYWARD. A daily word game with different rules for each day of the week. Signup @ GiveEmGames.com