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Chester the Chimpanzee! 🐵

Chester The Last Joke:

Hello my cherries, today I bring you an early design of Chester from my fanfic I hope you like it because I had to change the style a little

#Draw #Chester #TheLastJoke #BrawlStars #Fanfic #Zombies #Brawlers

Hello, here I leave you something to entertain you while I write the script for The Last Joke, if you like it I will bring you more information about other characters

#IndieComic #Draw #Indie #BrawlStars #TheLastJoke #Zombies #Chester

I'm honestly loving the sketch, I'll give you more previews of The Last Joke as soon as I have more

#IndieComic #Chester #BrawlStars #Zombies #TheLastJoke

The cover is ready, my little cherries

Now it's time to write the script and then the drawing part and I will be uploading it in Cherry'S pit, don't miss it:

#BrawlStars #IndieComic #Comic #Zombies #Indie #Brawl #Chester #Virus