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so, since i shared this on tiktok, why not here too? i mean, maybe a few more extra people will see it.

Maybe you've been wondering where was I...
Well, mainly on tiktok and twitter. And watching stupid kids' show.

THEY'RE BACK 🙌 We have the FIRST LOOK at the new series of #FairlyOddparents (#LosPadrinosMagicos). The animation will be a sequel to the #TimmyTurner story and will follow #Cosmo and #Wanda coming out of retirement to be godparents to Hazel,

LOS PADRINOS MÁGICOS VUELVEN 🎬 #Nickelodeon hace OFICIAL que una serie secuela de #FairlyOddparents (#LosPadrinosMagicos) está en desarrollo.