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New video will be releasing tomorrow!
Making a compilation of the FTaH Jumpscares so far so you can have a reliable place to watch it from ❤️
And for Christmas I will be making a FTaH1 Update3 stream on Twitch 💜
(read article)

Wallpaper art of "Krust Rush" from Fun Times at Homer's 3
I am quite impressed how this event is not brought up more often since its literally a FNaF boss fight you chase a giant animatronic and ram it with a car until it blows up

Fun Times at Homer's 1 (Update3) teaser
Well honestly I just wanted a excuse to draw the "mysterious" character in the back, lol.
This would go hard as a wallpaper tbh

So, turns out in the new Simpsons treehouse of horrors special they made a Five Nights at Freddy's reference.
Fun Times at Homer's never been closer into becoming real.