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Wait a minute, that character looks very familiar to me, maybe...

#IndieGame #GameDev #Games #Gamer #Shooter #Godot #Mk3 #Robot #PixelArt #SciFi #GDbot

I was working on the expressions, maybe I will release the sprites for everyone, if I do and they use them they should give credits to who made them

#IndieGame #GameDev #Games #Gamer #Shooter #Godot #Mk3 #Robot #PixelArt #SciFi #GDbot

I've been creating more bullet animations, so officially, there are more bullets (that aren't recolors)

#IndieGame #GameDev #Games #Gamer #Shooter #Godot #Mk3 #Robot #PixelArt #SciFi #GDbot