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Here's the behind the scenes of Five Nights At JackTPaul i will edit the video live and present to you how far the video has gotten. #goanimate #funny #random #glitchy #livestream #behindthescene

Five Nights At JackTPaul Behind The Scenes Livestream
Here's the behind the scenes of Five Nights At JackTPaul i will edit the video live and present to you how far the video has gotten.#goanimate #funny #random...

I made a sketch of the idea of Black Jackie 🤎, before drawing it digitally...I'll make a guy one next- BLACK JACK


Meet our adorable new pokemon!!!! FLUFFEON!!!

#glitchy #cutepokemon

Welp! I've been digging into Pokemon and decided to start creating my own pokemons!!!! Meet pixie!!! #glitchy #pokemon

My friend, cads asked me to draw some Pokemon for him.....the first 2 aren't my ideas(googled and drew), but the last two are totally mine....ok and I know Sylveon doesn't have fur on it's neck....still cute tho...

#cads #glitchy #pokemon😘