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Hello, Roblox is down?? I was just going to play Creatures Of Sonaria.
#Roblox #RobloxDown #RobloxFall #RobloxProblem #CreaturesOfSonaria #JuanaGames #JuanaGamesYT

¡¡Looking for these materials!!
-Disc: JuanaGamesYT
-Roblox: JuanaGames2YT (First talk to me on Discord pls, and if you don't have it, on Roblox.)
#Roblox #CreaturesOfSonaria #RobloxGames #JuanaGames #JuanaGamesYT #LF #LookingFor

I don't believe it, it's my Gamejolt Account's Birthday XD (Is it Spawnday? I don't remember well)
#Aniversary #SpawnDay #Posts #JuanaGames #JuanaGamesYT #Birthday
Hi, I just came to ask what you want my next video to be about. I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about, but vote for what you think is best Xd.
 1 vote Voting finished