
14.06.2024 School Graduation

Friday was awesome I tell ya! @MichaelMayonnaise came to visit. I no longer have to go to school. We went out dinning. Our Family's meet. & Michael got to meed Stumpson & the other BabyAppleTrees.

What a Day I tell ya'll!

Hey everyone I just want to tell you all, that at the moment I won't have Internet connection outside of my phone sadly

I'm still going to try and do my daily stuff on the internet but I also not be online for long

Let's hope this changes soon ^^"

Just cleaned the room a little

I hate the fact that my room got a carpet floor T^T
and for the most part I used a broom instead of a vacuum cleaner

also Dog hair and Carpet floor doesn't mix well
but you might have known that before lul

#RealLife #RLina

Ich freu mich! Tage wie heute zeigen mir dass ich nicht abhänig von dem Internet bin.

I'm happy! Days like today show me that I am not dependent on the internet.