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Happy Spooky Month, everyone!

But it's not just that, it's also International Raccoon Day!

Rambley from Indigo Park really likes the fact that it's his special day today!

#IndigoPark #RambleyTheRaccoon #rambley

Everyone's plushieposting, so I'll add that I finally got my own Rambley plush!

#plushies #RambleytheRaccoon #Rambley #IndigoPark

Rambley sees his new plushie!

#IndigoPark #Rambley #RambleyTheRaccoon

The raccoon wants to tell you something. 🦝

(This is one of my Indigo Park fanart pieces. This is not my first one.)

#IndigoPark #rambley #RambleyTheRaccoon

Finally, a new GOOD mascot horror game! i really like Rambley's desing so i made a pixel art about him the same day i wached a youtube video of someone playing Indigo Park.

#Myart #Pixelart #Indigopark #Rambley