
SpongeBob SquarePants


Happy 30th Birthday Chrono Trigger Part 1
The epic journey begins this soundtrack is still great and holds up really well in 2025. The first boss Yakra fell to me really quickly but that is because I...
Tom Helps Cecil Fulfill His Destiny Part 11
I made a lot of progress I am at the final boss but alas he proved too tough this time but I know how to handle him now so on Sunday he is going down apparen...
Tom Helps Cecil Fulfill His Destiny Part 12
I promised that I would beat Final Fantasy IV and I fulfilled that promise. Next Sunday I will be starting my blind playthrough of Twilight Oracle by @Cosmic...
Tom Helps Cecil Fulfill His Destiny Part 1
Cecil's journey continues after grinding some more Cecil and his friends use a teleporter in Mysidia to take them back to the town of Baron where the game be...
Tom Helps Cecil Fulfill His Destiny Part 9
Cecil gets a powerful party member in this video Fusoya unfortunately after the battle in the giant robot we lose him again we do get Kain back again though ...