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I was on #TeamJudgeJelly, but congrats #TeamKikkerstein & good game. You did well too, #TeamPandaC & #TeamGreedyGrackle.

#TeamFarleyFungus, #ClydeSlicker, & #TeamVendingVance, you guys fought pretty well.

Good game #TeamSocialButterflies. You are good.

Good game, Kikkerstein. 🙂

Come on #TeamJudgeJelly, #TeamGreedyGrackle, & #TeamPandaC! Let's help #TeamKikkerstein win!

Let's take these butterflies down and show them that we're the A Team.

Also, here's a poll for you. Good luck & may the best mascot win.

  15 votes Voting finished



dale gente team cuervo

o tocara la violencia


soy el unico pelotudo que cree este # de mierda