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Here's every single FNaF: Security Breach Beta/Pre-Release Menu I could find on YT. (Credit to BasicallyJustFNAF)

#FNaF #Security #Breach #Every #Single #Beta #PreRelease #Menu #BasicallyJustFNAF #YT #Game #Gamejolt

Just casually found another version of the FNaF: Security Breach Beta/Pre-Release Map on YT. (Credit to Maz).

#FNaF #Security #Breach #Found #Version #Beta #PreRelease #Map #Maz #YT #Game #Gamejolt

How did I find out about FNaF? Well, it was the summer of 2021 when a friend showed me the FNaF: Security Breach Trailer that dropped in February of that year. That's how I got introduced to FNaF.

#FNaF #Security #Breach #HowIFoundFNaF #Game #Gamejolt


Today, still, what is the most game breaking bug in FNaF: Security Breach?

#FNaF #Security #Breach #Today #Most #Game #Break #Breaking #Bug #steelwoolstudios #Gamejolt #Yeti_for_Action