
Animal Crossing
Happy Joltidays
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
We Happy Few

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Happy 10th birthday to Chica!

I know this is not an anniversary post, but happy bday to this amazing dog from this incredible youtuber, Markiplier remains my favorite on the platform for his awesome fnaf videos, hope he had a great day with Chica

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2025 to everyone and ireland people here!

Still relaxing and taking some meds, but hope you people celebrate it well and to have a very beautiful day with your family, remember that you all are amazing, enjoy this day well!

#Centum Centum is a lie.

It looks so great and enjoyable from the trailer, pretty promising, hope you all enjoy the demo of this game by @serenityforge , this deserve much attentions, enjoy it well and have a beautiful day with your family

1 year of a good voice actor @Sim_Naum

The day that he started to be a voice actor, an awesome gamejolt creator that always do great jobs on these games that he's working on, he always keeps going well for being a voice actor on some characters