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1st Medibang paint timelapse.

Very good, im impressed... but you gotta stay non stop if what u want is to NOT edit anything. If you stop, around 10 minutes as I did. I will last no more than 10 seconds. Maybe one can calibrate that. will be tesing

#Small/#Tiny/#Bitty Error hiding under a #Mushroom with a #Little #Spider friend, guess he got out of the anti void, but what is hes plan now? and why is he hiding? or better said from what/who? is he even hiding?


Revealing the truth behind the Gokiburi Riceball.

Creepy lil' venonat! ^w^

Art by me. Done with pencil & chalk pastels.

#pokemon #venonat #nintendo #gamefreak #games #videogames #cute #creepy #bug #insect