Another song, the drumline is based on the words "sausage sausage coffee coffee" so...do with that what you will #KSURetrogames20

This week I've just been communicating with the coder what we need for the game such as a health system and a camera that follows the player. Last night we tried to figure out how to fix our tileset for it to work within the scene.

This week I finished up on the level assets. I put together a few scenes using assets at their in-game scale and our camera view as the canvas size to get a feel for scale and color. I left a comment with more details. #KSURetroGames20
For attack animations, the fisher swings his fishing pole as an attack while the fish has a slime-ball projectile. These animations were really when the 24x21 pixel sprite limit and required low frames started to become a real challenge. #KSURetroGames20
second song for the game. Yes I stole the drum rhythm from my Essential Elements Beginner Flute book. #KSURetrogames20