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One of Two - Optimus Prime Steampunk Custom Masks I'm working on for Larpcon 2023 in Coalville 4th - 5th of March 2023
#retrovandal #optimusprime #transformers #optimus #steampunk #steampunkstyle #larp #lapcon #larping #cyberpunk #kitbash

Here's a few early pics of my stall at LARPCON UK 2023 taken by the amazing Ab Photography, Coalville - more to come...

#retrovandal #larp #larping #larpuk #larplife #art #artist #artwork

I did a quick sketch portrait of this guy at LARPCON UK 2023 Coalville, Leicester, UK

#retrovandal #larp #larping #larpuk #larplife #art #artist #artwork