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Looped ⭕ Devlog 3

#Looped, Made with #GDevelop

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Superbullet!! Shoot in all directions...

Or lag out the game.....

Took me some time to make the counter (The white ring around player) look good, how is it?

Thanks to all the suggestions that suggested this

#Looped, #Superbullet, #GDevelop


Yay! Black Hole Power-Up Done for #Looped (The game I am currently working on)

It sucks in anything coming in it's way(except the player), bullets, enemies, other Power-Ups

(There are also some more power-ups you can get, I will post about them later 🙃)


The power-ups drop from the enemies and slowly slide away 🏒

Small things that make a difference......

#Looped, #GDevelop


The lost screen for #Looped, where the lost one finds the the menu. Yay! How does it look?
I had finished this a long time ago, but I am posting it now. A project is in it's final stages, but it will take time to move from that stage.
