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MarliriaTsuru Floating on the Water

Been meaning to finish this one for a while now, & now I finally did more or less by accident.

I wanted to color the sketch & then pretty much redraw the hole thing or upload the colored sketch but instead I finished it

Marliria Tsuru my Marmaid Vampire OC based of the Vampire Fish. She's the oldest OC I have, being first made out of Lego-Blocks in the start when I was about Idk 4?

I love her a lot and am so happy I finally have a good looking character sheet of her

So far so good! This might not be accurate at all but at least it looks okay which is enough for me.

In case anyone is wondering this is my character Marliria Tsuru again since I now have a design I like of her and want to try and draw her a bit more

Plug Your Ears And Look Away

#1bit #mermaid