
Octopus bottle sculpt using Foam Clay
#retrovandal #octopus #octopusart #bottleart #bottleartwork #bottleartcreation #foamclay #sculpting #foamart

Dropped off some new stock at The Metal Monocle 😉
#retrovandal #steampunkart #darkart #gothicdecor #gothicstyle #octopusart #nauticalart

Octopus painted onto a Vintage Leather Biker Jacket!!
#retrovandal #leatherart #poscaart #bikerjacket #octopus #octopusart #handpainted #drawing #painting #art

Dropping some new artworks off The Metal Monocle in Leicester later today!!
#retrovandal #themetalmonocle #metalmonocle #gothicdecor #darkart #chaos #octopusart #skullart

I did a Cthulhu style bleach drawing on this T last summer but was meh - so added some shading today
#retrovandal #bleachart #cthulhu #cthulhumythos #cthulhuart #fabricpaint #fabricpainting #octopus #octopusart #octopuslove #tshirtart #tshirtartwork