This project will be getting a overhaul and will be restarted, I have improved a lot as a story teller & 3d artist since I first invisioned this project.
I will be giving it my all to ensure this is a very special project for all Sonic fans. #stayultimate
Still no sign for the release or update on Sonic Unleashed DS, looks like I has'k to keep playing Sonic Rush Adventure on my DS emulator until that ROM hack comes....... #SonicUnleashedDS #StayULTIMATE #SonicRush #DS
@NoahNCopeland As for the SAGE event, the Sonic Unleashed DS would come..........(this time, without the werehog)
Just as somebody might Finished the project #SAGE #SonicUnleashedDS #SonicRush #SonicColorsDS #DS #StayULTIMATE

Wii models are so janky, but they have a certain charm to them that I just love
Sorry about this... the Sonic Unleashed DS and ULTIMATE Sonic The Hedgehog games will be delayed in order to focus on Rock Dog the Video Game, Its become my biggest passion project and we assure you the other projects will continue later. #StayULTIMATE