- G e n e r a l _ in Brothered Busy Bees V3

Hello busy bees put anything you want but be respectfull. Have fun.


Oh its you....

Well i was a littler bit busy doing some things for you....

I hope you liked this 4 things and yeah ¡MORE JOKES Hahahah!

3 jokes + 1 new comunity channel.....

And read the article for more info....

This time is not a joke....

Hahahhahha yeah it is a joke.......

This time is a....

¡F a t a l i t y cover!

(P:D: I could make the fatality typography with a tool but no matter.)

¡Happy April Fools B6g64ed!

Why i feel the necessary to say that.

Anyways please read the article.

Restoring Power....

Restarting Power Stability....

The power has been restored...

Hello my littler busy bees

Welcome to my new comunity

Brothered Busy Bees V3