All Posts in 64 musics, in 64 days

Participate! you can aways tell me your opinion about this community, or the musics!

5th muscic

one music for 64 musics in 64 days in the same day as other music? OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS (most productive day on my life)

i forgot to say this, but basically, i have a community for my challenge: "64 musics in 64 days"... yeah i'm reached that level of dumbness

edit: i'm always an animal that not put the link of it here.

here it is:

3rd music

3rd music for my challenge (i'm not very creative with names this month)

theme: camp, rest, calm…

2nd music

another musics thematizated in cave, civilization…

tomorrow, probably i'll make other music for ya, with a diferent theme bc it's the rules, and forgot to say: the other music's theme is: café, animation, party

1st music

the first song for my crazy challenge…