General in Amelia's Lair

Hey there, punks! Welcome to the lair! - Amelia…

Cast reveal!

- Mindmaster (Monika decoy)

- Dread (O!Sky decoy)

- Recycled (Uzi decoy)

- Manipulator (OMORI decoy)

Take a break from Schweitz before it ends. 5 days left, enjoy your wait!

My mental health isn't the best. My schoolmates are pressuring me...

Serious time: How can there still be people to support Elon Musk after he decided to censor the word cis because he's offended by it? After this stupid decision, I had no choice but to block him. (This is an opinion, no need to take action, Robo-Jolt)

I'm never supporting Phisnom ever again after this