Customise the community!

Go join this community until the old one comes back.

let us pray that they accept my application #CynderForCreator

almost done B) (also i WOULD LOVE TO talk in the actual gamejolt server) has a problem, the feed is flooded by conversations with a bot named Chinese NPC dialogue.

Please report all these bots and help to stop the raid. Spread the word around all Gamejolt with #stopcairaid!

Welcome to the Worlds of mods (customizable community) community on Game Jolt!

Rules (because it's important)

  1. Do modifications of the work of others mods, it's a customisable community...

  2. No NSFW or anything violating terms of services!

  3. This community is a joke community, don't take your moderation powers too seriously!

  4. Please mess with the community channels!

  5. Have a lot of fun!

Add anything here:

Report A community for over 1 year