Questions in D&B: Bambception! (Crystalline Conundrum)

When the conundrum is crystalline

how tf do you make like an entire animation :sob:

i needs tips :sobpart2:

is this true :sob:

honestly why do i even have this alt? i rarely ever post on it.

WHY IS THIS LIKE MY MOST POPULAR POST why does this have 20 likes.

what DNB 3.0 song should i remix next?

i've already done House, Bambi's week, and Unfairness.

wtf is this "Blender Cat" video?
either this is some kinda fucking gorey shit with a real blender and a cat, or it's a cat in the 3D Modeling Sofware Blender.

assuming it's the first one, seeing from all the posts i've seen.

bruj it happened AGAIN (ZGameEditor Visualizer running at like 0.1-0.7 FPS)

how tf do i fix this? (i've already uninstalled and reinstalled FL Studio 21)

Yo yo again

if you made a analog horror series

what would it be about?

There's a plunger on the roof of my school

WHY is there a plunger on the roof of my school?