Random 🤔 in MemeMan Community

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I starting going back to playing rec room and it was a lot of fun.

If you want come and join me on rec room, search my name "MemeManOfficial".


The second one I'm not very sure if that's the actual game. But the first one or a ver of it. Long life the sanke game.

It makes me so damn NOSTALGIC.

I saw the last Murder Drones episode the day after it aired.

Those emotes are my review. On that order.


Me vi el ultimo capitulo de Murder Drones..

Esos emotes de arriba con mi review. Toy impactada.

"It wasn't Me I swear!!! ... Not this time!!!"

I love when these get stolen soooo many damn times, it loses definition.

I hope not being an ass without noticing.

Amo cuando a estos se los roban tanto que quedan con definición Alcatel.

Espero no estar siendo ojete en este sitio sin darme cuenta.