Dev (DRSS) in Deltarune: Susie's Story

[ ~ Write wisely about one thing! ~ ]

Progress in the pause menu screen so far!

programmer: ( @TeamByMyself )

#GodotEngine #Dev #DRSS

And as always i'm cooking, here is the kitchen room part of Susie's house.

the room are a little done and ready to add interactions dialogues, events etc.


I've been a little late with the development of the game, right now we are implementing a site where you can open the doors to other places in the dark world. It's a better way to know where you want to go

#dev #drss #video


During this break week, we have nothing that show a little progress of the bullets in the beta demo drss ch.1

#dev #drss

we change a little bit the battle system, these changes are really necesary only for the beta demo, we have like a 60%-80% of the game done. thanks for you patience and wait.

#drss #dev #fangame