All Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

shiku nuku nuku nuku kush tang tang

Face reveal in Article!


It looks amazing!!! :D

Thanks again @zextronmon

(qβ™₯β€Ώβ™₯q) (❀ω❀) (≧◑≦) β™‘

Thank you soooo much!! @zextronmon for gifting me the background I really wanted! I really appreciate it!! I will repay you in kindness and support since I cannot give you a gift of my thanks. Thank you so much!!!


Can’t really do much about my medical cause it’s IMPOSSIBLE to book an appointment for sooner than 2 months where I live. Hoping it’s just dehydration and I need to drink more water…

Even though it’s SUPER unlikely :/

I might be going through a medical emergency.

Possible heat related illness or infection. I’ll keep you all updated if I figure out what’s going on and if I’m okay or not.

Won’t be online for a few hours.

Bye for now

Last day of Band camp! (For me)

I’m leaving on a road trip :)

(No, you guys don’t get to know where, then I’m gonna get stalked /hj)

Anyways, imma see if I can find my sunglasses so I dont face rev

(Not comfotable yet)

I play the fucking Bass Clarinet what tf did yall think I played?

First it was percussion, yall dont know subdivisions of band and DIDNT EVEN TELL ME WHAT I MISSED >:(

And when I told yall I was woodwind yall we like, β€œyou missed someth-β€œ


I~ think I might be sunburnt... 😳

Maybe not but a little bit def