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Hello everyone, I have to make an announcement. I am allowing fan art!! There will be rules for this. Read article.

TRUE MURICAN WALLPAPER *SPAMMED BALD EAGLE SOUNDS* REQUESTED BY @Spartan31718, A REAL TROOPER (yes this is 50% a meme and yes I am actually american)

aroace wallpaper!!!(includes ace spectrum)

May not be active much. I’m feel very sick. I don’t have a fever, o’ve been drinking water, idk what’s happening. So sorry about that. Probably gonna stay off GameJolt as much as possible to see if that’s the problem. I’ll update y’all when I can 👍


Update message!

TW: Personal problems, gut issues

Welcome to the DPDD! AKA, DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery!

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    Be nice and respectful, follow the rules of gamejolt, and most importantly, have fun!

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