Important Announcements in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

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Thanks to everyone for wishing me a Happy Gamejolt Birthday! #spawnday

Can’t really do much about my medical cause it’s IMPOSSIBLE to book an appointment for sooner than 2 months where I live. Hoping it’s just dehydration and I need to drink more water…

Even though it’s SUPER unlikely :/

I might be going through a medical emergency.

Possible heat related illness or infection. I’ll keep you all updated if I figure out what’s going on and if I’m okay or not.

Won’t be online for a few hours.

Bye for now

May not be active much. I’m feel very sick. I don’t have a fever, o’ve been drinking water, idk what’s happening. So sorry about that. Probably gonna stay off GameJolt as much as possible to see if that’s the problem. I’ll update y’all when I can 👍