All Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

its so fucking beautiful outside rn I love rain

I need to make something to hide my face so I can post videos :/

(I don’t feel comfortable sharing my face on the internet and I kinda wanna make videos of me and like recording stuffs idk I just do :C )

Band camp ayyyy

No songs need only a the notes between that to play. I hate it.

It would be fine other than I can’t play shit. I can’t play nothing lower than a C or anything higher than an A.

I’m stuck in band rn :(

I’ll add shitposts when I can

ive edited about a quarter of my film yayyyy

Schools finally over

It’s the first fucking day…

I already have assignments and homework due