DiDe's Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

Just realized I never posted that update…

Alright hold on, lemme type it out

Hey guys!! Sorry I havent been online too much, I’m going through something. I’ll update you in my next post!!


BAI 😀😭


We’re done. There’s jealousy. I hate it I hate it I hate it GOD WHYYYYY

Never again. Never, ever NEVERE AGAIN >:|

Anyways, imma read for a bit more and then stop because this is an irritating book. Might just blast through the whole chapter idk yet

Too long for a damn romance ballroom piece of shit.

I fucking hate romantic shit in books. Corny and annoying. Why make them so damn looooooonnngggg? It’s borrrrriiiinnnngggg


These chapters are SO DAMN LOOONGGG 😡

Yeah, I’m done with this book today. I hate this.