DiDe's Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

Anyways I’m hungry af and when I’m hubgry and can be rude and very short tempered soooo

Imma leave before I start throwing hands 😀✌️✨ /j

And I mean literally throwing wooden hands at my phone and attempting to crack the screen 😁 /hj

(i do have wood hands)

Heres the empty one for yall to try

I am not traumatize

(or I’m just oblivious and hate being touched)

(also whats hypersexuality??)

Re-ehancing the Japanese in me

Sushi for lunch ayyy :)

Just super irritating ngl

#GJasks favorite game series??

Idk what they mean by that or if they mean series of the type of video game or a series made in that video game...

If its the first one, i dont know.

If its the second one, the life series and Hermitcraft 10.

Yay 👍

I should get my results in about a day or so


got my blood work 👍