DiDe's Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?


I think gamejolt may be brokey •>•

Since when the fuck did I have 220 followers?!?

Is this app brokey?

Is this a #slowjolt moment?

I literally just wanted to make a meme channel come on gamejolt!

I cannot make new channel and now mad 😡

Finished the quest!

Tooootaalllyyy didn’t use stickers to “decorate” my friends posts…😅


Baii for nowww

Tired af tho.

vacays over, family visiting time…

…yayyyyyy /s

I’m alive

(Forgot to post this after I posted about the tornado warning stuff oops lol)

I might be fucked here…

Is raining hard af, 70mph gusts, in a fucking forest, all the BAD ingredients for a GOD DAMN TORNADO TO HAPPEN IN!