DiDe's Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

Has anyone ever thought that whenever people say “I swear to fucking god,“ that they actually swear to ..*ahem* FUCKING god...

Hey, just a thought!


I swear to FUCKING GOD if I get homework the FIRST DAY...


How to be chill, no stress??


...its 6 am

Guess whos fun time has now been thrown out the window?

I hope its better than middle school, that shit sucked

School starts for me tomorrow 😭

Reading that one book with romance again, hoping the romance stays at a low point cause I canNOT take any more of this

Anyways- I'm leaving to my fashion game

I'm done PEACE

“Ay yo bro who got you smiling like that?!”

Me: “who tf said I was smiling?”