DiDe's Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

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Forgot my school has the shittist internet known to man

How do you guys say my name: DiDe?


Dide I read as “died“ “did E“ than “t*tty“ lmao

My brain be fucked up 😭

Made this in DTI yesterday, I was trying to make my first day outfit but it was WAY too hot to try and pull this off

Looking at myself in my camera... I look emo as shit lmao (its not wrong, not wrong at all 💀)

I think I might regret eating all that curry...

My stomach has not stopped hurting since I woke up, probably cause I’m nervous but still. Come on stupid digestive system, its the first day for god sakes!!

Anyways, food time

That was a weirdass thought I just had...

I dont like that thought anymore

Anyways I’d like to petition to add the category “stupid shit“ into my community thoughts?

Also can be called “shitposts“ if better preferred

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