DiDe's Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

I have no idea what any of those symptoms mean either

I was super dizzy last night, couldn’t sleep at all and my stomach was hurting like crazy. I woke up at like 4 with stomach cramps (I think I might have been half sleeping) and they HURT

I feel sooo sick rn

Looking back in time… god I missing having middle school friends, y’all were the real ones 😭

Gonna go watch a weather update rq, I’m really trying to embrace my love for weather

I’ll (hopefully, I might forget) be back later. Cyaaaa

I kinda want to do a monthly art challenge, I know I won’t have time for it

It sounds fun

Idk what to do/post on here :P

I’m really excited for Halloween

Morning guys

I’ll be back later.. Gotta go do stuffs

Baiii ✨