DiDe's Posts in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?



Worked on the video

Draw rough drafts of my new OC

And I haven’t updated my profile yet because I don’t think I can access Pinterest at school.

But still what the hell 😭

And then guess what I did today?


I didn’t work on the video

I didn’t draw my new OC

Hell I didn’t even work on my profile that I said I would be updating 😭😭😭

I totally did everything I said I was going to do yesterday 🫠

Hello people

I’m gonna draw some outlines for my new OC, maybe I’ll be ready for art next year so I can draw it more often :)

Maybe I’ll do that AFTER band, cause I got after school band practice today and I know I have to surf Pinterest for photos and stuff for the video (it’s a book edit, the channel is like booktok but on YouTube)

I can probably show a sneak peak of it, but then people are gonna be asking for the channel and idk if she wants me to share it with a ton more people. She doesn’t know about this app I think… I’ll ask her later but she’s got sports to do

Or imma work on a video because my friend really REALLY wants me to help her upload and I’m terrible at having the motivation to actually do stuffs