Gacha in DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery

Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

The her! Shes my favorite characters GF :)

Shes shy, super smart but also VERY easy to send over the edge into a panic attack. Definitly an introvert but loves anything to do with the fine arts.

Then this guy. The typical “teenage rebel“ you could say. Always got in trouble, got into fights a lot, basically the anti-bully kid (iykyk). Also a drag queen, intersex character (as of more recently). One of the first ones I made and onekf my favs still

And HER. Fuckinng love her. Fashion queen lesbian strong AF, shes been my favorite for a while. Still pretty much the same as before, just more of a motherly figure now

This guy, hes more of a fem-boy drag queen now. A lot more“cringe worthy“ ig (yall would probably think that). I’ve made him more American now, basically the opidimy of america (fuck you I cant spell)

Uhh… there’s this guy, a lot more “human-like” now ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌

Why did I make his face like that- 😭

Imma just show them off ig. I still kinda like them. They are the main peeps I daydream with, just they are super different now and more defined then when I made them into Gacha characters lmao


Found my old OCs (they like a year old at most)