Welcome to the DPDD! Why don't you share something nice?

Hey guys!! Sorry I havent been online too much, I’m going through something. I’ll update you in my next post!!

I’ll probably add more channels later as time goes on but this is how it’ll be for now. Check out the Community if you haven’t already and don’t forget to read the description! I’m going to log off and watch YouTube probably.

Baii Droplets!! 💧✨✌️

Added a bunch of new channels. Comment what else I should add!

I added a channel for the followers! <3

(Y’all the Droplets rn btw)

Hey guys! I've made the community!! Let me know what kind of channels I should add for you guys :)

Welcome to the DPDD! AKA, DiDe's (*Professional) Department of Dumbassery!

Go to the Assigning Rolls category if you want to…

  • Become a moderator

  • Become a friend.

  • Join the Art category

  • Join the Collages category

  • Join the Weather Updates category(might become “The Weather Channel later on)

    Be nice and respectful, follow the rules of gamejolt, and most importantly, have fun!

Report A community for 2 months