All Posts in Dark Fracture

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We're interrupting your daily scrolling to bring you the disturbing footage recovered from the local "body farm" research facility.

Development Blog 12 - "The Underworld".

A deep-dive into the most ethereal landscapes of Dark Fracture!

Discover what has been going on behind the scenes of the Dark Fracture development over the past month.

Will you help us win this year's MEGAMIGS People's Choice Award? Take a second to support us by voting for Dark Fracture on the "Under 5M category"!

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Let's make psychological horror terrifying again!

Discover what has been going on behind the scenes of the Dark Fracture development over the past month!

Dark Fracture development blog - NPCs, motion capture technologies, and more cool stuff in the article below!

Watch the new Dark Fracture gameplay teaser from PAX Online!

State of Dark Fracture, a new publisher, adjusted release plan, PAX indie showcase selection, and more exciting announcements!

The AMA is live!

Join at…, upvote the thread, and ask us anything you want!

Join the Dark Fracture AMA on r/pcgaming on June 24!

Ask anything you want to the developers and prepare for a surprise!

Dark Fracture: Prologue 2.1 & 2.0 update is now available to download and play on GameJolt! Read the full list of changes in the article below.